Asana Vat Number


Our company is asking a public grant to a local institution and they want to know the VAT Number of Asana. I gave a look to some invoices, believing to find it there, but I didn’t. Could you help us please?

Thank You

Asana is a US based company, not sure if they have VAT number

Thank you Ivan, in alternative it could be enough to have a TAX ID

I think in the US is called EIN. I googled it and this is the result EIN : 263912448 : ASANA , INC

Maybe @Marie can help out here


Thank you very much Ivan!

Hi @Alessandro_De_Pieri, thanks for reaching out! I recommend you to contact our support team as they will be able to confirm this information :slight_smile: If you need to update billing information, I also suggest you to add your billing owner in cc when you contact support to speed up the process.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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@Alessandro_De_Pieri can you come back here after to confirm or not for the next people asking? Thanks!