Asana Task reference in Documents

When we meet with clients we often discuss multiple epics, stories, and tasks. Notes taken during these meetings end up in a google doc or Word doc. We would like to be able to indicate areas (paragraphs or sections) within a document that link to specific Asana tasks. Maybe: highlight a section of text and link it to a task.

Attention could flow in both directions: within Asana, when you view a task you might see deep links to those spots in documents, or even directly see the selected text snippets. And in the documents, you would have information about and links to the Asana tasks.

Hi @David_Carnley, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

You can copy links from tasks and paste them in any documents. Any user who has access to the task will be able to use the link in the document to open the task directly.

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

That’s half-way there… I think it would also be pretty useful if the task then reflected that link back to the text, possibly even showing that text in the task view itself.

Also, IN the google doc itself, some kind of widget that allowed me to selct form my Asana tasks (instead of just pasting a task URL)

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