Please find our release notes for this month below
Company Goals tab : The Goals view now contains two tabs: Company Goals and Team Goals. View your company’s mission and goals, choose which team Goals you want to view, and filter by goal owner or status. More about Goals
Easy access to Do Not Disturb on Desktop : Stay in flow while working on Asana’s Desktop app by accessing Do Not Disturb settings from the upper righthand corner. Get the Desktop app
Multi-select tasks on iOS : Multi-select tasks and perform bulk actions like updating due dates and custom fields from your My Tasks on iOS. Get Asana for iOS
Manage approved workspaces : Enterprise admins can now restrict access to Asana on managed devices and networks, enabling greater security. Learn more about Enterprise Features
New Academy course: Asana for Admins : Our new course in the Asana Academy helps Asana Admins manage their organization’s account with more ease and control. Check out the course
As always, we’re looking forward to hearing your feedback in the comments below
Thanks for sharing. Some good features. DND on desktop app is a simple yet very handy feature.
Enterprise is a whole new world which would be good to tap into at some point.
Can anyone provide some advice on when to use sub-goals vs projects? For example say i have a goal that has 5 major initiatives. I could treat each of those initiatives as projects as and link to the goal, or I could treat the achievement of each of those initiatives as sub-goals. What to do, which way to go??
@Michael_Sylvester I think of it this way : a goal is … a goal, an objective. As you say, a project is the initiative to achieve this goal : such an initiative might address one or multiple goals, and some goal initiatives might not be tracked in Asana.
That is how they differ.
I used to be able to export projects, reporting, etc as .CSV files but now can no longer find the option. Can you share where the export function has been moved to? It seems to have been moved during this most recent update…
Just logged out and back in and exporting is now functional again for projects, but not for any of my reporting charts–the main place I used the export ability. I’ve (hopefully) attached a screenshot of what it looks like now, but basically it used to say “Export” where it now has the “Print” option.
Hey @anon27702293 oh that is weird indeed. Maybe Asana is working on some changes not sure. I recommend it is best to contact support as they have more insight into your account
This is GREAT! I’m so excited to start using the Company Goals tab & the multi-select tasks on iOS. All of these are game-changers, but I’m super excited to learn more about these.