Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!
Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: When I attempt to join an existing project, I receive a popup that says that Asana must be reloaded. I am not successfully added to the project.
Steps to reproduce: Go to an existing project, click join. Wait.
Browser version: Asana desktop app
What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)? Business
Hi @Sarah_Erlewine, welcome to our Community Forum, and sorry for the trouble! Can you let us know if this also happens in the web version of Asana? Are your colleagues running into the same issue?
Yes, it is happening for my colleagues, as well, and yes, I’ve had the issue on all versions of the platform (desktop app, web app on Chrome and Safari), except the mobile app on my iPhone. That works fine!
Hi @Sarah_Erlewine , thank you for testing. It looks like our Developers identified a bug causing this issue, and it has since been fixed. Can you reload and confirm if the problem continues on your end?