Asana will not load

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
I log in, and the page continues to spin. I cannot access, update, or see my projects at all. I’ve submitted a case. I cant manage my team. I’m concerned I’ll need to find a new tool ASAP.

Steps to reproduce:
Login, and the App doesnt load.

Browser version: Newest version of Google Chrome. I’ve already cleared all cache, memory, and history. I’ve also disabled all extensions. All tabs closed.

Upload screenshots below:
See Zoom recording here ( Video Conferencing, Web Conferencing, Webinars, Screen Sharing - Zoom )

Hi @Marlena_Smith and sincere apologies for the trouble here!

The 403 error indicates that something is forbidding you to access Asana; so let’s try these steps:

  • Test your connectivity here: - if this site says that you have a successful WebSocket connection, you shouldn’t need to do anything further

  • Contact your IT department and direct them to this article to diagnose the issue. They can check if your corporate firewall could be interfering with the connection. In this case, whitelisting * and * should be sufficient. Please note the asterisk character at the start of these URLs denotes a wildcard, and is necessary for the whitelisting to work

  • You may need to update your anti-virus or firewall to the latest version to ensure that it’s not blocking your connection

Hope this helps Marlena, I look forward to your reply!

Hi @Marlena_Smith, closing this bug since i haven’t heard from you in a while. Please let me know if you require more assistance with this issue!