Asana for Discord

Just like integration of Asana for Slack and Asana for Google Hangouts Chat, it would be great to have integration with Discord app. Afterall, Discord is the fastest growing app of 2018 as found by Zapier.

If the team, doesn’t intend to work on it, maybe they can help with setting it up and Discord supports webhooks, so shouldn’t be too difficult to help set this up.


Thanks for your feedback @D111 and welcome to the Forum!

I’ve gone ahead and moved your post to the #productfeedback category to allow you and other members to vote for this feature request to be implemented; hope that’s ok!


Thank you @Marie. Looking forward to healthy discussion on possibilities of having Asana bot for Discord app.


we also need such an integration, we will have to give up the asana because it does not have such an integration :frowning:


I would love this integration. It exists for Slack, but in my case Discord is the preferred system. So… please, Asana Team? Make it, do it!


This is the scenario my team is in. We don’t like Slack and already have a lot set up on Discord. To tag someone in a channel with a link to a task that someone just assigned to them would be HUGE.


We could also really use this kind of integration to quickly add to-dos and other things to asana from Discord


Hello, Can you at least support webhooks or some way to push info to discord on action/task.


This would be great for me!

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Yes, lot of companies are using discord for work communication and Asana as a product development tool and that would be really nice to have proper in-house integration


76 vote doesn’t enough?

Hello @Jihan1 welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

I recommend to read through this post to understand how Asana is listening to everybody’s feedback: How we’re listening to your product feedback :slight_smile:

Agree please make this a reality ASAP! Several fortune500 companies are using discord right now for internal communications


Why no love for Discord, Asana? its been years and you still havent integrated?

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126 now, still not enough apparently

As a workaround, you can use something like or Zappier to connect Asana with Discord in the meantime.

My company and I really need this integration, I’m a developer and I can help with community development in favor of an integration that can become official.

I am not sure if this could be useful for all of you but I tried and succesfully sent a message to discord fired by a new task in asana.

Is there any time on when this would be worked on ?

How many vote do you need to work on this?

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