Asana <> Discord Integration is LIVE 🚀

Hi Everyone!

I am delighted to announce another groundbreaking feature tailored specifically for our tech-savvy partners. We recognize the love and passion the tech community has for Discord (one of the most upvoted feature at Asana) and in response, we’re introducing the Asana <> Discord Integration at Workino! :rocket:

No more switching between Asana and Discord to stay updated. With this integration, you can sync your teams in Asana directly with your Discord channels, bridging the gap between communication and task management. :handshake:

:movie_camera: For a deeper dive into the features and benefits of this integration, watch our detailed video here.

Now, let’s explore some use cases:

:pouting_woman: : As a Lead Developer, my team lives on Discord. I want to ensure they see Asana updates in real-time.
:pouting_man:: Easy! With the Workino-Discord Integration, you can sync Asana updates directly to your preferred Discord channel.

:pouting_woman: : As a Scrum Master, I want to notify my team on Discord when an urgent Asana task arises.

:pouting_man:: No problem! Set up instant notifications from Asana to Discord with the Workino-Discord Integration.

You can find this feature under the ‘Integrations’ section. As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. Share your experiences and let us know how the Workino-Discord Integration is enhancing your teamwork. :memo:

Together, let’s redefine collaboration! :muscle:


I’d like to present a video demonstrating the Send Discord Message feature in action.

I hope you enjoy the video and find it informative. Feel free to ask any questions or share your thoughts — I’m here to assist!

Salam @Fatih_Buğra_Akdoğan. Is this available for all regions? When I tried it showed that the workino app through these two platforms can ge connect, it’s not working and get authentication when I tried to apply the rule

It doesn’t work, I’ve tried a lot of times. Just to show an integration error when I try to publish rule.

Hey @Vinícius_Graff @Soban_Haider :wave:

Firstly, I want to express my gratitude for bringing the issue with our app to my attention. I apologize for the delayed response, as I was out of the office and only recently became aware of the issue. I’m pleased to inform you that the problem has been resolved, and the app is now running smoothly.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I will do my best to respond promptly.

Wishing you all a great day ahead!

Hey, thank you for your answer…
Now, I got it, I’ve created the rule. But, when the rule is triggered, nothing happens. I can’t receive any messagens in my discord text channel.

Problem confirmed, nothing happens. After adding webhook it’s not saved in rule.

So, Is there any prediction for the correction?

Thank you.

Hi all, I am with zzBots. I created this simple Bot Pack that sends a message to the selected Discord channel when a task is created or updated in Asana. Using zzBots you can build your own custom bots or customize the bot pack linked below if you have a different use case. zzBots syncs in realtime, so your data will always be up to date.

Here is a link: