💡 Always finish an Asana migration in one sitting if you can

I thought it would be interesting to share about my life as an Asana consultant, and specifically talk about a task I completed recently and the lesson I learned from it.

Last week, we finalised a migration of part of our CRM, specifically the part about our licenses clients. We have 3 situations: a new client in need for Asana licenses, an existing client needing new seats (upgrade) and a client that needs a renewal after 12 months.

We can’t miss one, and it is important we stay 100% organised overall to make sure we do order the licenses on time and follow through with invoicing.

After designing the new system (based on a project, with 3 specific sections, and 3 rules adding dozens of subtasks) we started to partially migrate the existing content into this system and stopped. We then assigned a task to each other (Julien, Celio and I) to finish the migration.

BIG MISTAKE! After a week it was hard to remember the migration process, and we lost a lot of time and energy trying to get back on the horse and do things correctly.

:gift: Key takeaway: when doing a complex migration, don’t stop! Try to do the whole migration in one sitting, instead of planning to finish it later.

:framed_picture: What’s this cover image? Glad you asked! This is a new art project I am working on, where each Asana task generates a unique image. More information soon!


:pray: true story

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