I set language to “german”, but i see always am/pm… A 24h option would be nice
Is there any way to switch from AM/PM to 24hours? Start week day switcher is great, but AM/PM is a pain. I am on OSX with 24 hours time format. Asana is in AM/PM anyway.
Add this already!
I would also like to see this added.
Please, this has been asked years ago. 24h time would be needed for sure.
24 hour clock is something basic.
could we please get this basic time registration?
I never really took much notice of time planning. It were just tasks to check of a list. Now that I use time boxes, its weird to work in AM/PM when I am used to using 24 hrs in my other agendas. I thought this was something standard, but apparently Asana thinks otherwise. Can we implement this? Or is this forum here for creating topics which never get added. This was first requested in Dec 2018, so that’s now been 3 years of people waiting for it to get implemented.
I also want a 24h time format, please.
Yes, yes, yes! Bump the priority! Do the thing! Yay, awesome Asana Team! 2022 is your year!
“What countries use the 24-hour clock?”
But most countries, excepting the United States and perhaps a few others, specify the time in 24-hour form on things like bus and railroad timetables, and hours that shops are open. It just avoids confusion and means that you don’t have to print “AM” and “PM” on everything.
Apparently, 18 countries use 12-hour time, leaving a measly 179 or so that use 24-hour time.
You let us set the starting day of the week (thank goodness and thank you), now, please let us use our own time display. You don’t have to change anything about your database, I would bet. Just give us … oh yes … time AND DATE display tokens to set up ourselves! 4/5 and 5/4 and 6/9 and 9/6 and 12/10 and 10/12 are meaningless to me
Google Sheets has a sweet date-display-picker, if you want to see what I mean.
Project without time settings = facepalm.
ADD 24 HOURS !!!
Has 24 hour clock still not been added?
Add 24h option in Asana!
I am in USA but work across multiple time zones, so 24-hour time is easier to work with for me. I hope Asana adds it. Asana accommodates different work weeks, i.e., starting on Sunday or Money, so why not views of time?
Such a simple fix and not implemented since many years!
Come on, Asana. WAY past time to implement this option. Please don’t get so locked in on the wonders of the future that you miss the relatively simple requests of the present.
Yes, please! This is a BIG deal)
24 hour time format seems to be a basic feature that is somehow missing — at least, from desktop app. Are there any workarounds or maybe plugins for that?