Allow the Power BI Connector to also pull the Subtaks

Please add the feature for the Power BI Connector to also pull subtasks. The way we have things structured subtasks are also important.


Is this still a limitation since I do not see this limitation on the Asana+PowerBI page unlike the Tableau integration page which does show this limitation. Additionally, it does not show the limitation of not grabbing the description as well.


subtasks are very important to us too. @Alan_Jones did you find a solution?


Yes, I am keen to see this resolved. I am currently exporting my Asana Project to CSV to pull all the data and then linking my Power BI reporting to that file to get the necessary sub task information.


Any update on this? The web data connector by design does not pull subtask data into either Tableau or PowerBI, likely to limit data transfer amounts which greatly hinders analysis. I imagine this is due to the subtask not belonging to a project which could cause complications when you connect to a given Project ID data but not sure.

any update on this?

We’re also interested in this. any update please?

Also very interested in this function. Any update?

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Also request the sub-tasks (indicating the parent task) to be downloadable to Power BI

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I am very interested in this feature too… Thanks from Spain.

We need this capability too. Subtasks are part of reporting to track Projects. Please implement this in Power BI Asana Connector.

I’m PMO for a department of 100+ people where we are trying to use Asana to manage projects and pull the data into Power Bi to report on progress and other metrics. To not have the ability to pull sub-tasks through is really limiting and it means I can’t get a true picture of the progress on the 50+ projects in the portfolio. This seems quite a basic necessity to me and should be built as a priority

Hi Mel - have you managed to calculate SPI and CPI based on the data in your projects and portfolio? We are currently setting this up, and are exploring additional custom fields, but very interested to learn from other PMOs using Asana as well

For SPI we have managed to export sub-task data via and scheduled job using an google sheets extract and that feeds our PowerBi dashboards so we can see % complete etc. This also feeds our burn down charts by project. CPI I haven’t looked at yet as it was green field when i joined and they are not at this level of maturity yet. That’s in my backlog but the more I use Asana the more I think it is just not fit for purpose from a PMO perspective. I have had to built everything bespoke using custom fields as there is no out the box functionality

Similar for us, we are using Google Looker so have created the formulas to feed the data into there - however are at the stage where we need to go in and relook at the fields, potentially add custom fields to capture the data we require to then extract into the formula. I’m on a call later today with Asana to see what else is in their roadmap. I’ve come to a similar conclusion to yourself re PMO functionality, which I am ok with given we have the internal dashboards built. Its more so around standardising the fields to pull the data from and learning from what others are doing, so we are not creating our own approach.

In order to standardise the data I created custom fields as part of a project template and all PM’s have to use that template to run their projects. I also have custom fields at a portfolio level and all
of this allows me to measure and track project performance in a standard and consistent way. Sadly it is a lot of set up to get it all to work and clunky. Rather than to tool aiding delivery we are now finding ways to work round it’s lack of key features

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Is there any update available on being able to see subtask data in PowerBI? This is a feature we really need.

@lpb - please help!!!

Sorry, @Karalyn_Jacques, I’m only an Asana Services Partner and not an Asana employee (and not a PowerBI user!).

Is there any way of actually getting an update on whether this feature is being looked at by Asana development? I was hoping to use Asana in a more significant capacity, but this (and lack of sub-task filtering), means sub-tasks aren’t usable and without sub-tasks (or another way to group tasks below a section), the tool becomes too unwieldy with the number of tasks and assignees I need to allocate/ track.

I’m afraid Asana doesn’t publish a roadmap, but if you become an Asana Ambassador you can get some early notification.

Many of us find ways to get by well with subtasks as is. If you haven’t seen the subtask-specific content from @Bastien_Siebman and me, it could help, for example:

