Allow rules based on collaborators attached to task, not project specific

Would be nice to be able to create a rule that is not project specific but rather user specific. I’m looking for a way to have a task added to a certain project if user X is either assigned a task or added as a collaborator on a task - as a workaround to getting non project members to add tasks to a project without being added as project members (project contains confidential info) - unless there’s a way to do that without using forms and I missed it? tried forms but it’s not really working well as the tasks that we need added to the project are not always direct submissions, some first require an approval from a non-project member and users don’t want to have a second step, they just want to create task, assign to approver and have a way to also attach it to our project at the same time, not having to then go submit it via a form once the task is approved (have to keep it simple for them lol or they either refuse to follow process or mess up the process)

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Thanks for reaching out, @Jacky_Garneau! I believe you can create a Rule for this, for example:

You can choose a specific Assignee and when a task is assigned to that person, it will be automatically added to a specific project. If the project is private, the assignee will only have access to the task in the second project.

Let me know if this is not what you are trying to achieve!

Hi @Emily_Roman, thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile: It’s not exactly what I was looking for as I’m looking to have tasks added to the project in question not only when a specific user is assigned, but also when they are added as collaborator to a task assigned to someone else. Also, unless I’m misunderstanding, the rule you suggest would be created in and be specific to another project - what I’m suggesting is a rule that is not be project specific as I’m not sure what other project I would create this rule in where all the users creating the tasks in question are members of and can add these tasks to, without them being able to see each other’s tasks. I have considered creating a sort of transition project where I would add all these users as members so they can tag the project on the tasks in question, and have a rule where the tasks added to the transition project are automatically added to the private project, but what I haven’t been able to solve with that option is the the task visibility to the members of the transition project - I don’t see an option to have the task automatically removed from the transition project once added to the private project. If we have to do this manually, it leaves a period of time where tasks stay in the transition project and are visible to all members - leaving the possibility open of a member seeing someone else’s task assigned to that project that may contain confidential info.


I would also be very interested in functionality like this. The use case is that we use Asana as a sort of internal ticketing system. I would like requestors to get their tickets automatically cross-posted to the projects that they use for their own organization. So I would like the rule to be "if a task in Team Ticketing project includes Jane Doe as a contributor, cross-post task into Project titled “Jane Doe’s Workplan.” Would anyone have ideas for something like this? Thanks!

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Is it possible to make a rule for what happens with tasks you’re added as a collaborator to? My supervisor often adds me as a collaborator, and I’d like these tasks to go to a certain board within a certain project, so I can keep an eye on them

Wondering if anyone got any further with this?

Main thing we’re missing internally is ability to filter tasks easily to those we’re collaborating on or being able to auto add them to a board