allow for trigger "if task has recurring due date"

I want all recurring tasks assigned to me to automatically be moved to a dedicated section titled “recurring tasks”, which with the current triggers is impossible to realise. Combined with the fact that any new instance of a recurring task shows up in “most recently assigned” instead of the previously selected section makes recurring task a f***ing nightmare to work with

We are using more of an agile approach with the sections where we use them to denote the status of a task (Not Started, In Progress, etc.). The problem is that when a recurring task is created, it does it in the section the task was last in, which is super unhelpful. We want an option to specify what section the task should be created in.

Hello @Addam,

Welcome to the Asana Forum :slight_smile:

Unless I am missing something, there isn’t a solution for this yet. See also:

You can define the behavior of recurring tasks in your My Tasks section

But I think what you are looking for is rather doing this on a project level? Maybe we should consider moving this to Product Feedback and potentially merging with

@ambforumleader am I missing something?

Thank you,


Yes, definitely a feature request. It is making the use of sections for an agile project and recurring tasks impossible.

it would be helpful I I can choose/identify recurring tasks when setting up rules. Then I can set the rule for them to move to a specific section I want when completed instead of respawning in the same section where they were closed.

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