Allow date tokens in advanced search fields, reporting/dashboards, and rules

Permit the use of tokens for dates (similar to “me” for Assignee) in advanced search, reporting/dashboards, and rules.

With that feature, you could use the “Between” option specifying something like:

  • Between “today” and “next month”, or
  • Between “today-30” and “today+30”

and not have to change your parameters day-to-day.



That would be awesome! Especially since editing a report creates a new one, having a report based on “today” would be great.


Agreed, that would be very helpful, @lpb.

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Is there a way to have the filter in Charts for making Reports to only filter tasks that has due date within the last month? It always includes tasks under the current month whenever i choose ‘within the last month’ I prefer that as I don’t like to keep changing the months every month whenever i choose ‘between’

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I wish for this too and created a request for it a while ago.

I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.



Just surprises how slow Asana moves on these simple requests. This has been asked years ago and feels like no brainer.

If a task has a due date x days from today, move it to a section is a simple rule to be able to create. Instead we can pick a specific date which has no use since why would anyone create a rule based on a specific date which is going to come and go.

I should also add, not having this causes errors to be made. When you mark a task complete, it creates another with a future date. Since you don’t have a rule to move that out of the way sometimes you get confused and also mark the same task with future date completed thinking you didn’t mark it complete yet. I have done this many times.

This would be very useful for rules, to check if the due date is “today” for example.

Agreed. Top feature request.

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