Allow converting messages into tasks

+1 to all the above. For me, it’s about hosting my team’s stand-up meetings in Asana.

  1. automated email from Zapier asking my teammates to add their daily stand-up notes
  2. reply to so that the notes are automatically added to Asana (conversation tab)
  3. when my manager is done reviewing the notes of each member, she can turn the conversation into a task for follow-up actions or archive

Is this feature request being looked at or has been added to your roadmap?

Thanks a lot!


This would be helpful for me too. How much interest does there need to be before Asana will work on this?


yes, would be great.

+1. Need this feature!

yes, this feature would be really helpful and seems to be a fairly obvious value-add.

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Any idea when this will be made available?

Yes! This would be fantastic! We’ve only just recently started using Conversations, and already see a need to be able to convert them into tasks - even just to have a task to update our procedures based on a conversation would be super handy, instead of copy/paste

+1 on this request, we had some team members creating conversations instead of tasks, it would be ideal to switch the conversation into a task, for us to use the task features such as the list, the status, the tags and drag and drop.

I noticed you can only add images within the text entry using the image upload, while on a task you can drag and drop into it.

Please let us know if this feature can become available.

Thank you

Has this been made available? Would be a helpful feature.

Agree, this would be a great feature for all the reasons mentioned.

Just trying to come into Asana after using a myriad of other tools, including Asana itself about 2 years ago. Reasons for return: Some great UX stuff like Convos, which have the nice benefit of allowing a title in addition to the comment. Great way to replace noise of Slack, and provides a great feature of an alternative tool my team has been using called, but unfortunately Twist is very thin in features, including integrations, so we’re kind of on an island using it. This ability to title a conversation is really huge!

And it would be fantastic to convert not only to a task, but a project. Another differentiator for me with Asana is the “Task to Project” feature - the fact that you can 1) do it in the first place, few other tools offer this (Just look at Wrike’s failure here with the popularity of the request, and lack of action on their Product Team’s part:, and 2) the great traceability afforded when the project picks up a nice reciprocal link to the task that was converted. Huge for Idea promotion.

Conversations are a great source of ideas, too, so simply applying what you guys already have done with tasks to projects here, both with converting to a task, or a project - I think you could use the same solution but offer both - would be huge for my use of Asana, and I’m sure many, many others!

Thanks guys for listening and truly hope to see this implemented soon!

Would be super cool! Maybe something like the @ feature, to demarcate tasks to be extracted from the conversation

So just as a clarifying example - surrounding a phrase with some marking (# or whatever) automatically creates a task, with some other syntax to set additional parameters, like #@Chris: please get an answer on that by 4/24# creates the task, assigns it to Chris, sets a due date of 4/24

Wow…just looking at the thread. Three years and no movement on this. I wonder why? maps to conversations, while maps to tasks.

I wish there were another flag where we could avoid using the number (which NO ONE remembers).

For example, could map to conversations, while could map to tasks.

We need more votes for this feature :wink:

Hello, what’s the latest on this feature as it is something our team really wants to be able to do. Thank you.