Allow Board view columns to be associated to a custom field's options, similar to sorted sections in List view

Hi @anon55569810,

I just replied to your Flowsana support ticket but thought I would reply here as well.

Flowsana doesn’t currently have any functionality to do this automatically. It’s an interesting idea and one that has been suggested before. In fact, we have a portal for product suggestions and it’s in there and can be upvoted: Move Task to Same Section in All Projects · Flowsana Feedback

It can be done - the established way to sync sections between projects is by using a custom field, as I explain in this post: How to sync a task in different projects automatically - #5 by Phil_Seeman

The basic “problem” with the ability to do the sync you’re asking for is that in the Asana data architecture, sections are a local object that exists only at the individual project level. That is, a section called “In Progress” in one project is a completely different object and unrelated to a section called “In Progress” in another project. Those two sections, which happen to have the same name, know nothing about each other. In contrast, a custom field that lives in the organization fields library is universal across projects and this is why it’s the standard way to “connect” sections in different projects. But of course, that workaround is more involved and awkward than if there were a direct connection between sections (or if columns could be associated with a custom field as this forum thread is proposing, which is an alternate way to achieve a similar end).

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