Allocating Rules to Specific Tasks in a project

We rely heavily on automation to remove manual work and the potential human error that comes with it.

With the ability of rules it has brought us up a level in increased efficiency but it could be better if the rule triggers were stretched further.

Use Case
We have several stakeholders involved in a project and are assigned specific tasks within the project.
These tasks are then having to be added to different project aswell as the parent one.
It would be great it the rules allowed you to select specific tasks in the project board to trigger specific actions e.g. add to another board, add comment.

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Although you cannot target a specific task, you can add additional options to narrow down the task. I do this all the time by delimiting by section or assignee or a custom field such as owner. Perhaps that will help?

I don’t recognize that multiple triggers option – is that a Business Subscription feature?

Hey @KarenB_Cleveland welcome to the Asana Community forum :wave:

With Asana Premium you have access to certain rules, advanced features are available on the Business and Enterprise plans Using Rules in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

Thanks Andrea - does Asana Business specifically provide the ability to limit the scope of a rule to one section?

Hey @KarenB_Cleveland yes that works

Having rules that run at such a high level without a filter makes the automation suite in the system pretty useless.

This request is covered by another Product Feedback thread here: