Add Task doesn't work in a project view

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
Clicking the Add Task button in top left corner just highlights the button and nothing happens. No task pops in from the right hand side. If I then scroll to the bottom of my task list in that project (it has hundreds of tasks), I can see that the blank task was created down there. There were about 20 new tasks sitting there as I kept clicking on the button as nothing was happening.

Steps to reproduce:
Go into a project with lots of tasks in it (this doesn’t work when there are only a few tasks in the project). There need to be enough tasks that it doesn’t load them all up at the start. You need to scroll down and wait for more tasks to load.

Click Add Task. Nothing happens till you scroll down, wait for everything to load and then you find the new tasks right down the very bottom of the list completely hidden.

Browser version:
Chrome Desktop Version 79.0.3945.130 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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Hi @Matt26
I think that is a sort issue. What is the List View sort criteria?


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It’s sorted by date due in ascending (most recent to future).

I noticed that this only happens when no existing task is selected.

So it’s automatically putting this new task into the ‘No Due Date’ section as it doesn’t have any reference date to pick.

What it ‘should’ in this case though is bring open the detailed task window from the right hand side so I can fill in all the details. This window normally pops up when I start a new task. In this case it is not.

Does that makes sense?


Yes, agreed. It’s not a good UI for any new, just added items to be in a place that’s not currently visible. Regardless of whether the view would tend to place them there. At least there could be a warning.

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I am experiencing the same. Any solution yet???

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My workaround is clicking on a more recent task and then clicking “add task”. It seems when i have recently added a task for a far out date (that is outside the display parameters that are currently shown (say adding a task for year 2025) then when you click “add task” it defaults to adding a task in the year 2025 which isn’t displayed and the error results

Definitely a bug that needs fixing