Add customer name/Part number/Works order number to the project

Hi all,
I am new to Asana. I just started today to see if the software can do what I need.
First of all, I can see a message “trial 30 day left”. I would like to use just the features of the free version during my trial and I don’t really know how to find out what version I am using.
Second: Can I add data to each project like: customer name/ part number/works order number etc. ?

Also is there on the free version the possibility to book hours for each task and have the report of the time spent per project or per employee?

Thank you.

If you click on the button, you don’t have any info? If you have access to Portfolios you are on Business. If not but you have Timelines in projects, you are on Premium.

Yes as custom fields at the project level by using portfolios (Business plan)

That would require custom fields and project dashboards/global reporting, not possible in Free. Or you can use a 3rd party tracking app Time tracking in Asana: a community built comparison

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