Add Custom Colors to Board Projects for Better Visual Mgmt and Use with Scrum

In board view please add:

  1. The ability to turn tags entirely one color or another, just like actual sticky notes, and/or;

  2. The ability to select background colors for columns. For example, if using for Scrum, you have Backlog, In Progress, and Done Columns, it would be great to use colors to make these stand out. We have a separate backlog for upcoming sprints and it would be great for these to have a gray background so you can visually see they are not part of the current sprint. And/or;

  3. Ability to add “sections” between columns on your board, for same reasons as item 2 above.

Asana is a visual management tool, so adding additional customization options to make it more VISUAL only adds to its value. These would be very helpful so you can quickly scan and pan around the board for what you need. Tags are alright, but don’t serve the same purpose.


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