Add 'Complete' to Portfolios Status

Recently Asana added in the Status selection, ‘Complete’. Can you please add the same to the Portfolio Status? Thank you.

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Hi @anon85096210, welcome to the Asana Community Forum and thanks for sharing your feedback with us :wave:t4: Hopefully this is something we will add soon! We will let you know once we have any updates!

There is another issue with the ‘Completed’. When I run a report on Project Status, the ‘Completed’ does not appear in the report.

Thank you

Bob Frank

Have you added the “Complete” status to Portfolios yet?

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Replying to keep this request alive. This is a needed feature! :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Keith_Amundsen :wave:
All open requests are still being considered :slight_smile: The Asana team is monitoring and checking all feedback request threads and their total views and votes.
Here is a great overview of the process.

As a user of portfolios, I would like to have the ability to set the status on a portfolio to complete so that status reflects the overall status of the portfolio. Additionally, I would like the to have the ability to set the frequency of email notifications for incomplete portfolios. Portfolios with a complete status should not send email updates.