Add an icon for tasks with description

I noticed the new list view is not showing an icon, or anything, for tasks that contain a description.

It does show an icon for tasks with subtasks (which is great), but I can’t see any indication for descriptions.
All of those tasks on the image have a description. How can I tell?


@Eric5, That would be nice. That’s also why I made it a feature of Responsive list view, multi-column sorts, hide/show 21 columns, filter-as-you-type, and more: Asana2Go Interactive Tables ✨ and if you hover over one of those icons, you see the description right there in a tooltip too without losing context or going anywhere.



The only thing I don’t understand is why don’t they hire you! You seem to be ahead of their development team, AND of their support team! They would increase revenue and reduce costs.
Thanks Ipb, I just downloaded the extension.


@Eric5, Thank you! Of course, putting a feature in Asana2Go is a much simpler affair than adding one to Asana. I have utmost respect for the product, design, development, and in fact all teams at Asana.



I hadn’t realized that this was a casualty of the list grid view update: There used to be a “some content in detail pane” indicator that is now gone without any mention. I used this all the time to know which tasks had content and which didn’t

@Marie, could you convert this thread to product feedback we can vote on?

Also, a more complete way to notify all of us of changes would be to mention things like this explicitly both for our own benefit and, in some of our cases, to make sure our Asana clients are well taken care of.




Of course @lpb, I’ve moved this thread to the #productfeedback category so you should now be able to add your vote!


Exactly. I was wondering how did this go unnoticed. Maybe they forgot to add it?


I love asana, but this is one of the major drawbacks in my opinion. Coworkers or customers tend to put important information in the description. But in the list view I can’t see whether there is an description or not. So some tasks get marked completed in the list view although there was relevant information in the description :frowning:

Can you just add a little icon in the list view if there is an description? That would be very helpful!


Please do add this–I’ve resorted to adding [please see description] to the end of every task when assigning to others so they know to check the description. When adding agenda items for my self, too, I forget sometimes that I developed detailed notes in the description and worry sometimes folks will ‘complete’ the task before realizing how much content was in the description. a small indicator like the comment, sub task icons seems easy to add for a lot of gain!


Hello! Can you please tell me when this functionality will be implemented ?


[This was merged by Asana from a separate thread I had created]

I assume that most teams use the task description field to put in additional task details. But unlike the icons that show that a task has a comment or sub-tasks, there is no visual cue to indicate that a task has a description. It’s easy for team members who don’t open the task detail view to miss the description.

To get around this problem, I usually create tasks like “Task A (see description)” to ensure that others on my team don’t miss them. This just clutters up the interface.

This seems like a small but important fix. Thanks.

Create a notification symbol to indicate when someone has put notes in the task detail section. For example: when I am reviewing tasks in list view, I cannot see that someone inserted details into a particular task item listed. I would like a indicator on the task item, that would alert me that somone entered details in the details section of the task.


@Kimberly_Shields, I’ve merged your post with another on the same topic where votes will be combined. If you haven’t voted, please do, and also vote for these related requests too if you like:




Did they add this feature and then remove it in 2023? I’m confused and struggling without it. It’s a real shame if they removed the task description icon from list view.

In some projects we have started to write prefix [D] in front of tasks which contains description to read - it makes tasks undestandable and it safes time. But its kinda annoying doing this in so many tasks so we are thinking if it could be added as a new feature - it would be really helpful.
We are looking forward to it.


I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.

Until/if Asana offers this, I use a similar, but I think a simpler and faster approach than yours; I just add the character “>” like:

Draft 24Q1 report >



Is there any news about this request?

Currently, Asana only shows a few things like comments that have been added, or subtasks, etc. I would like it if it also did an icon for a description that was added or if someone attaches a file to the task. That way, I can quickly see if the task has something in it rather than needing to click into it to see if it is truly empty or not.

Hi @Desiree_Walczak, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback :slight_smile:

Great suggestion! I’ll keep you in the loop if I have any updates here! Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the future :slight_smile:

I’ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.

