ability to set a condition in rules: Check If task is in project

it’d be really helpful to be able to incorporate this into rules.

Use case example:

My company uses asana for our ad creative approval process as well as a “to-do” list. It’d be really great to be able to have there be a rule like this:

when: task is no longer blocked - check if: task is in project [example project name for ad approval process] - do this: change custom field to: X.

I use custom fields so I know where something is at in the process and if it’s something I need to:

send for approval
if it’s out for approval
if I’m stuck somewhere and waiting on something
if I need to follow up with a client

so on and so forth

Hello @Leigh_Cara1

Welcome back to the forum.
If I understood what you are after, you currently can do this, but you work with the action rather than the condition.

So for instance, when task is moved to section X, check that it is no longer blocked, then - move task to project (Ad Approval Process) AND set status to PENDING or whatever custom field you have.

If you need further insights, you can go the creative ad approval project and create a rule to say when a task is added to this project, and the custom fielkd value is X, insert a comment or do XYZ

Is that what you are after?

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Similar to the OP, but I want to test in My Tasks if any project has been set or not. To my work in My Tasks it matters greatly if project is empty or not.

Because, if set, tasks go into a My Tasks section which I mainly ignore. Yes. Work on such tasks (like scheduling, elaborating, what not) happens in projects if there is a project. Having a project also implies more collaboration in my department. For me it is enough when tasks in projects “bubble up” in My Tasks to Soon and Today once due date approaches.

But for tasks without project, I use My Tasks sections much more actively. Such tasks I actively groom from the newly assigned (top-most) section. So my interest is to automatically “remove” tasks with project set from the top-most My Tasks section in order not to be distracted from work on the one’s without.

I’d love to be able to create a rule for My Tasks so that when a task is added that is part of particular project it gets moved to a specific section of My Tasks. Currently, there doesn’t seem any way to do this as under the options for “Check if…” there’s nothing to indicate whether a task belongs to a particular project. It would be great to have this feature added!


Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

I know it’s cumbersome, especially if you have a lot of projects, but a workaround would be to add a “Project” field to your organization’s library as a single select with a list of your projects and create a rule that says when tasks are added to [Example] project, change custom field to “Example”.
You can then add that field to your My tasks and create a rule that says when tasks are added, check if “Project” field is set to “Example”, move to specific section.
You can even hide that column from your My tasks for a cleaner view and the rule will still run.

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@Casey_Atkins , for what it’s worth, you could use the Group button in My Tasks to group your tasks by Project instead of custom sections. That way, you can easily see, within your My Tasks, which projects your tasks belong to.

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, this messes up these way I currently organize my tasks.

Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I don’t see any way to check if the “Project” field is set to “Example”. The “check-if” options seem to be extremely limited.

@Casey_Atkins for the check if to work, the single-select field must be added to your organization’s library as well as your project and your My tasks page. The rule in the project should set the field, and the rule in your My tasks should check the field setting and perform the action.
Field Settings


My tasks


Ah, ok. Thanks!

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