Ability to link an Asana Form to a slack channel

Hi guys :wave:
Quick question: Asana forms + slack, is it possible?

If I try writing /asana create, a default popup form appears. It would be great if we could replace it with a specific form we created in Asana. Thank you so much


Hi @Marco_Martina, thanks for reaching out!

You can turn a Slack message into a task, add a message to an existing task and receive personal and project notifications in Slack. However, it’s currently not possible to link an Asana form to slack so every time you want to turn a slack message into a task, you need to fill out an asana form. Although I think this is a great idea!

I’ve gone ahead and moved your thread to the #productfeedback category to allow other users to upvote for this feature!


Any update on this one? Would love to see this feature.


Hi @Emily_Roman, just wondering whether this was ever translated into a feature as it would be very useful! Thanks


Hello, also wondering if this is a feature now

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Hey @Emily_Roman did this ever get translated into a feature? Would love it if so!

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We are still requesting this as a feature in Feb 2023!


Hey Emily!

Any headway on this as a feature? I am trying to convince my new team in work to use Asana for our requests intake tool and this feature not being available is the main obstacle causing hesitation. Thanks!

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This will be an amazing feature to add.

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Has this been added as a Feature yet? Is there a plan to launch it this year?

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Joining on the “this is a no-brainer” feature train. Please make it or give a roadmap to implementation !

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@Emily_Roman Adding my +1 for this!


Is this feature available yet? Was looking for a way to do just this and came across this. When can this feature be available?

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For our org, we use an Asana form to escalate tickets for various things. Would love to be able to allow staff to fill out an asana form directly from within a slack channel.


Just seconding that this would be an incredible feature for us! Specifically for users that don’t have an Asana login, this would be very valuable. Please add asap.


Any updates on this? Appears this was submitted in 2020? I do not see that anything has changed. Is there any news on whether this will be a feature change?

Getting team buy-in to provide necessary information can be tough. If its stream lined to a single form…it gets much less push back.

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+1 for this feature request

I would also like to add this as a feature request as it would streamline effort given lots of conversations and asks start in slack

I would love to see this feature working. having an automated Asana form that pops in Slack when a requester initiates a message would be amazing!

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Any update on this? I’d love this functionality as well