im on 7.76.2
this has changed the My task view and it a lot worse than before.
It shows far less tasks on the screen than the previous version.
the spacing between tasks is much bigger, and due date is now under the task rather than at the side and so this takes up extra un-needed lines.
How do i get the older original My Task View back, or increase the number of tasks shown on the screen, or reduce the spacing between tasks?
I hate the layout that much that if it can not be changed ill be forced to leave asana and not use it any more.
I have everything on the smallest fonts with maximum items on the page, both on desktop and mobile phone.
I use the highest resolution with the smallest fonts and zoomed fully out so everything is tiny and fits a lot on the screen.
This new My Task layout is like its designed for somebody who is nearly blind and has everything magnified with large gaps and space.
The old layout gives me 18x tasks on the screen and like for like the new layout gives me 11x tasks.
If anything id like more tasks per screen, not less.
Today, my Asana task list on the mobile app now tries to show all the due dates underneath the task, and it’s incredible inefficient taking up a lot of space and allowing me to see far less tasks one one screen. My workflow doesn’t even use due dates, so it just says “without a due date” 8 times on my screen. Has anyone figured out a way to disable this and go back to the old list view where it just shows the tasks?
Jumping in to say that I find the new list layout of My Tasks incredibly frustrating, it has made the mobile app far less useable, to the point that I’m having to go get my laptop for some simple moving about of tasks and in order to understand my upcoming work coherently. Seeing a number of tasks clearly in one scroll is far more useful than having lots of space between them.
Task details is probably better, it’s clearer where you can tap things to interact.
The task list is much worse though. I often have many tasks that I need to prioritise and this makes it way worse. My mobile screen is not very big, so I can see 5.5 tasks in one go. This is a massive downgrade for me.
I need to opt out of this testing too. The timing of testing this is terrible as well. The holidays, end of year. I can barely use the app now because of this.