Ability to assign Project Roles when converting a task to a project using a template

So we have the option to give people roles after a project is created…


It’s just that the roles that were in the template aren’t available anymore after the project is created.

Thinking about how I’d tackle this if I were Asana:

  • Keep the project role as a special kind of custom field linked to the tasks
  • Have the roles appear as a drop-down option from the project overview when giving someone a role we could assign roles after creation.
  • Enable that assigning a role inherited from the template results in assigning the person to the tasks that have this role attached

That would mean we stop focusing on doing it as the project is created, but get the option to do it after the fact. Then the rules don’t need project roles as input.

This would also make it easier when someone takes over a certain role, we could just re-assign all the tasks belonging to that role to the new project member…

Am I on to something here? :thinking: