πŸ’Ž 10 hidden Asana gems

If learning Asana was a quest, I consider myself an explorer.

I used Asana for 10 years, posted on the forum more than anyone else in the world, and am now sharing everything I’ve learned with you.

This quest led me to discover hidden gems in Asana – those hidden features or tricks that you might have missed! I gathered the best ones here for you.

Click each emoji below to discover those 10 hidden gems!

:star: Gems for Everyone: :gem: :gem: :gem: :gem: :gem: :gem: :gem:

:star2: Gems for Premium & above: :gem: :gem:

:dizzy: Gems for Business & above: :gem: :gem:

Did I miss any great gems?

But wait – there’s another hidden gem in there, did you find it? :face_with_monocle:

It’s Scribe! I used it to showcase each :gem: and will use it more and more in future when helping on the forum.

PS: if you would rather explore with a map :world_map:, we created a Scribe page with all the gems.

:fr: Version Française


Thanks @Bastien_Siebman . Great tips in there!

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Love this! I’ve always wanted to know if Subtasks could be sectioned. :+1:t4: :+1:t4: :+1:t4: :+1:t4: :+1:t4: :+1:t4:


Fantastic, especially the emoji one. Been struggling with inserting emojis into task names for a while!


I love scribe! Great bonus inclusion :+1:t4:

Any hidden gems that allow our own colours (beyond the 16 provided) for applying to tags and the icon backgrounds for projects? I’d Love to be able to brand these elements :crossed_fingers:t4:


@Mary_Bills no workaround known, sorry. Thanks for the comment!

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