Workload Allocation for Unassigned Work

Looking for best practices around how other Asana users manage workload allocation when resources are assigned their tasks closer to the actual task execution window vs. at the start of the project when doing long range planning?

We still want to be able to see the number of work allocation hours needed and when in the portfolio view, but a variable work force doesn’t allow us to assign tasks to a given employee at the start of a project.

Would prefer some sort of placeholder vs. using a team member until assignment is determined.

@Steve_Bane are you referring to having the capacity trend line display on the ‘unassigned’ row of the ‘workload’ section in an actual portfolio? If so, I’d love if that showed up too…If you’re looking for alternative solutions for capturing what workgroup or business unit is responsible for a project deliverable, my department uses a custom multi-select “Team Involvement” field. We use it at the task level to capture what team is responsible for that task/deliverable. We also use it at a project portfolio level to capture what workgroups are involved in a project. It makes it easier for us to pull the data into universal reporting dashboards and then filter charts for other things (e.g., show estimated or actual time spent on an entire project split up on a donut chart by workgroup/team).

What we did was create a fake consultant (called Yeti) and we assign all meetings to them if we don’t have a consultant yet. Allows us to see all unassigned work in Workload and dashboards. Does it answer your question?

PS: the account is a guest, we use a Gmail account, so we don’t pay for a seat.

@Katie_Melby thanks for the feedback; I didn’t know you could pull a field other than assignee into the portfolio view. Appreciate your help!

@Bastien_Siebman - great idea, I think this is the solution we’ll implement. Oh the possibilities of what to name our fake team member…could be a team building exercise in and of itself. Thanks so much for the help and quick response!

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CleanShot 2023-02-16 at 16.43.04

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