Why do I get messages that say I am locked out of a task and I have to ask permission to be allowed to look at it?

Why do I get messages that say I am locked out of a task and I have to ask permission to be allowed to look at it? How does a task get locked like that?

Hi @Maurine_Horne

Frustrating as Asana does not give more information to the end user on how to resolve.

A locked task is one that you do not have visibility into.

  1. You are not a collaborator on the task
  2. The task sits in a project you do not have access to

Hi @Maurine_Horne, thanks for reaching out and sharing your feedback with us! There are a variety of situations that affect who can access a task. In this article, you can find more details about tasks permissions and in what scenarios a task becomes private: Task Permissions in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

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