Currently when you search while viewing a project, the search results display items under every project. It would be helpful to select to show search items from the project that you’re in.
For example, we run many events that have recurring tasks. For example, a program. When we search for “program” in the search bar, from within a project, it shows all the “program” tasks for every ASANA board/event. It makes finding the right task very difficult.
I would find this limitating, as a lot of people are using the search to navigate. So often we would want to get out of the project to another task using the search…
Hi, I found this solution, your Chrome extension, a few weeks ago and used it tons (thank you!), but since then it looks as if it has been disabled or rolled over to Premium. Is that the case?
Hi @Kevin_Feeley,
Thank you for finding and using my extension!
Were you on free trial of the paid plan? The advanced search is a feature of the paid plans, and my added search feature only works with the advanced search.
Also, the added features are sometimes not loaded when Asana loads their page. Please try reloading your browser tab and probably the extension works again!