What is the benefit of Business account against Premium?

Hi, I’m joining a new Digital Creative company end of this month as a Traffic Manager, they are using Asana to manage their project/ tasks.

I’m trying to convince them to upgrade their account in Asana from Premium to Bussiness because the Bussiness version has 3 very important features, Approvals, Proofing, and Workload.

Could you pls. Share with me the difference between the 2 versions and the benefits of the Business against Premium.

Hi @anon89881440 and welcome to the forum!

Others may chime in as well, but to get you started…

Here’s a chart comparing the differences between subscription levels:

And here’s a list of features and capabilities in Business that are not in Premium:

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You already have 3 benefits, you need more to convince them?

Welcome to the Community Forum @anon89881440!

I’d also recommend you contacting our sales team as they’ll be able to help you identify which Plan is more beneficial to your team’s needs. You can contact them either by chat, from the corner of this page , or by submitting this form: https://asana.com/sales . They will be able to

I hope this helps!