Weighted Percentages

Hey All!

A bit newer to Asana here. Is it possible to assign a weighted percentage complete to entire sections? For example - if all the tasks in a section are completed, the entire percentage complete for the project would be 15%.

Similarly, is it possible to assign a percentage on a section or group of tasks? For example, if these 4 tasks are completed, that is going to account for 10% of the project complete.

From what I understand, Asana calculates the overall percentage complete on ALL tasks within the project. While this is fine, I’m wondering if there’s a way to customize percentage complete calculation.


Hi @Edwin_Koszulinski, welcome to the forum :wave:

Unfortunately, you cannot set percentages or ‘weight’ to sections or group of tasks.

But you could add a percentage type number field to your project and add the ‘weight’ in percent for EACH task. The total sum of all tasks should amount to 100%.

Then in your portfolio, instead of using the native progress bar, you could add a ‘roll up’ custom field of your percentage ‘weight’ to show you a more accurate percentage of the project completed.

Hi Richard!

I think I’m picking up what you’re putting down. I went ahead and added a percent column to my project and made a portfolio. I am unable to find a percent roll up type in the portfolio - I’m only seeing ‘Actual time’ - is there something I’m missing somewhere? Do I need to assign percentages for all of the tasks in the project or something?


Please see screenshots for reference:

Hi @Edwin_Koszulinski , your project seems fine and I’m assuming you’ve added it to your portfolio.
You’re also in the right place, your percentage field should show up in the list fields to roll up.

Either try the following:

  1. change the percent field to a simple number field, see if that changes things, if not go to 2.
  2. add the percent field to your library, i.e edit the field and hit the first checkbox 'Add to [your company name]‘s field library’. If it still doesn’t show up in your Portfolio’s roll ups, then try 3.
  3. create a number chart in your project’s Dashboard tab, based on your percentage field to see if it rolls up there at least. :sweat_smile:
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Heya Richard,

Step 2 worked for me - thanks! I’ll play around with this and see if this achieves my goal.

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Glad to hear that! :slight_smile:

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