I am trying to catch all events when task is created at a section or moved to the section + all events when task is moved from the section or deleted from it.
According to this topic I’ve tried to next filter:
"filters": [
"action": "added",
"resource_type": "story",
"resource_subtype": "section_changed"
"action": "removed",
"resource_type": "story",
"resource_subtype": "section_changed"
This way I can get the id of a story when task is moved.
The problem is that when I use https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/stories/{story_id}, I recive only text description from which to which section task was moved:
"data": {
"gid": "STORY_ID",
"created_at": "date",
"created_by": {
"gid": "USER_ID",
"name": "USER_NAME",
"resource_type": "user"
"previews": [],
"resource_subtype": "section_changed",
"resource_type": "story",
"source": "web",
"target": {
"gid": "TASK_GID",
"name": "TASK_NAME",
"resource_type": "task"
"text": "moved this Task from \"SECTION_NAME_1\" to \"SECTION_NAME_2\" in PROJECT_NAME",
"type": "system"
Am I doing something wrong and is there way to know ID of sections, not their names?
Much appreciated in advance!