Webhook filter on section change

Is it possible to add a webhook filter for a change of section?
I’m trying to add webhooks to tasks that will fire also when the section is updated.
filters = [
“resource_type”: “task”,
“resource_subtype”: “default_task”,
“action”: “changed”,
“fields”: [
filters = [
“resource_type”: “task”,
“resource_subtype”: “default_task”,
“action”: “changed”,
“fields”: [
These don’t work.
Tips appreciated!

cc: @Ross_Grambo Another one of those webhook-filters questions… :slight_smile:

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I’m not actually sure. Have you tried memberships.section? If that doesn’t work I’ll ask an API eng.

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I have tried, but it doesn’t work for me.

The fields field must be non-empty list of non-empty strings containing only letters and underscores.

I don’t know how the filters work internally, but it seemed to me adding ‘memberships’ to fields would call the webhook on all memberships changes.

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An eng didn’t know the answer without digging in, but they has a great suggestion of creating a webhook on the project level, and watching what happens when you change a section.

I’m suspecting section changes only show up at the project level and not at the task level.

Okay it’s been a while but to follow up on this.
If you create a webhook targetting a project. i.e. resource = project_gid, and add NO filters, you will get section change events. They are resource_type = story and resource_subtype=section_changed
This is why a filter where resource_type = ‘task’ does not see them.

I still don’t know what a story is, but at least now I can filter on them. :slight_smile:

The payload below worked for me to receive section change events only.

  "data": {
    "resource": "<project_id>",
    "target": "<webhook_url>",
    "filters": [
            "resource_type": "story",
            "resource_subtype": "section_changed"