View of All Active Tasks Across Projects?

Hi, we are exploring usage of Asana for our nonprofit volunteer organization of about 30 team members.

We have different teams/buckets of work that we would organize as separate Projects, such as Social Media Team, Meal Distribution Team. Phonebanking Team, etc.

One of our main needs in terms of searching for a project management tool is that it’s become overwhelming trying to keep track of what are the active tasks in the organization on a day to day or week to week basis. It’s become difficult planning for capacity and overlapping initiatives.

Asana looks promising in terms of organizing each individual team’s work tasks, but ideally, we would want to have a view of all active Tasks across Projects, preferably in the Board or Timeline Views.

I have looked at the Portfolio feature in the Business tier. Not only would this tier be too expensive for our organization, it also appears to only show overall progress of each Project instead of showing the information important to us that is the active Tasks.

Is our use case and needs for visibility on All Projects feasible within Asana?

Any guidance is appreciated, thank you.

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Welcome @Patrick_Chen!

There are a few options you can look into. The one is to create a project called something like “OVERVIEW” and then multi home (Adding tasks to multiple projects) all tasks into this project. then you will be able to see the tasks in board view and timeline view. to make this easier, Asna rules (on business) can be added to projects so that if a task is created it is automatically added to this overview project.

The other option is to use the advance search option (On the Premium plan) to create a report to show all active tasks.

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Multi home still requires people to manually change status on different projects. Is there a way to have project status change across all the “homes” (projects) that the status is in?

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @PX_Wee !

This might answer your question.

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