23 November 2020 16:34
@anon95871396 ,
Did you happen to search here in the Forum? I recall there were several and quickly found these. I can’t personally vouch for them but I think they would be worth reading through and evaluating:
Hi all! I’m curious if anyone has any use cases or ideas for content production (specifically video)?
Essentially, a production department that is broken into individual components:
Producers & Editors
Standard workflows/questions would be along the lines of:
The flow/life of a video from brainstorm, planning, producing, editing, and distribution
High-level oversight of this
I can answer a lot of these given my experience (we have existing processes), but I’m…
A very cool presentation about how this Video Production agency uses Asana… it’s part of some summit but I have the direct link (no optin or anything required).
Really applies to just about any business:
You can jump to the 26 minute mark which is where he starts talking about Asana… before that he’s showing flow charts and things.
Anyway, enjoy