Hi everyone,
I thought I’d share how I’m using TextExapander to write better tasks and notes in Asana:
- Create a snippet like “;task” which creates a fill-in snippet like: “[VERB] [SUBJECT] [DETAILS]”. Basically the snippet forces you follow a naming convention.
- I use snippets to spit out long lists of subtasks/checklists for common tasks e.g. writing a blog post. So I simply type “;blogsub” in the subtask area and a long list of subtasks is created e.g. “Write post”, “Create featured image” etc.
- Similarly, I use “;blogdes” to fill the description with a bunch of headline templates that I can consider.
- I’ve also just created a new snippet called “;delegate” where I can use fill-ins to popular the description area with information like “Task context” “Action” and “Next Action”.
If you aren’t using TextExander yet, definitely check it out. Asana is just one area I use it in, but it’s also great for writing email canned responses and quickly typing common blocks of text like email addresses etc.