Using Asana for a photo competition


I’m part of an academic project that wants to organise a photo competition. We are planning to use ‘forms’ within Asana to invite photo entries. We’re looking at receiving a max of 1000 entries. Can Asana be used for this purpose? Does anyone have any experience with this or has any advice for us to keep in mind before we launch the photo competition? We are aware of other forms that we could use for this, but a whole host of institutional bureaucracy prevents us from using other tools. Any advice welcome! Thanks, Kaveri.

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Welcome to the forum, @Kaveri_Medappa! I think Asana should be able to handle this. Set up a project for the competition and create a form on the project that includes an attachment option for photo upload. Each submission will come in as a task.

The only limitation I can think of is that attachments are limited in size (EDIT: see Richard’s post below for more on these limits).


Hi @Stephen_Li , last I checked the limit was 25MB per attachment, a total of 75MB.
See 3.4 here.

@Kaveri_Medappa , if the file size is an issue, alternatively, you could have a text field in your form where submitters could insert a URL of their file on a file storage provider such as WeTransfer, Dropbox etc.


Thanks so much for your replies @Stephen_Li and @Richard_Sather! Really appreciate it! Thankfully, these size limits shouldn’t pose a problem for us because we plan to set an upper limit to the file size that can be uploaded and we’re thinking we’ll limit it to 5MB per submission. So, it should all go smoothly :crossed_fingers:

Thanks again, folks!


Hello! I just have one more question regarding using Asana for a photo competition. We did a test run with a handful people and the problem is that the photo submissions just sit under ‘files’ or the ‘list’ tab, giving us no information about who uploaded the photo and all the personal details we ask them on the form. For instance, on other platforms, all the submissions sit under a tab which when opened resembles an excel sheet and each submission is linked to all the details of the person who submitted the photo (name, email, phone number and anything else we asked them on the form). Surely, there must be a way to link a submission to the photo submitted. Any help with this will be very much appreciated!
Thank you!

Hi @Kaveri_Medappa , yes there is! You need to connect your questions in the form to fields. Look for the setting in the lower right corner of each question in the form’s editor.


Oh yes, found it! Thanks a ton!
Tested it again and happy to report that it takes all the form’s info and displays it with the submission. There’s no way to download it all together or convert all the submission details into an excel like sheet or anything, right? Totally understand why that wouldn’t be possible. We’re using Asana for a very different purpose than what it has been designed for :slight_smile: Thank you @Richard_Sather!

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Look in your project actions menu > Export/Print and you’ll see CSV (and possibly Sync to Google Sheets too).




Thanks very much for this, @lpb!

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