Updates to our API documentation -- check out the new features!

Hey developers,

Our team has been hard at work to make your experience in our Platform even better, and we’re thrilled to announce some fantastic updates to our API documentation. Here are a few things that we’ve recently rolled out:

  1. Revamped navigation system: We’ve completely redesigned the navigation of our API documentation to provide you with a seamless and intuitive browsing experience. Finding the information you need is now faster and easier than ever before. Our new navigation system allows you to quickly jump to specific sections, explore related topics, and access powerful developer tools with just a few clicks.

  2. A new landing (home) page: We’ve given our previous page a complete makeover :tada:. If you’re just starting out, our new home page serves as a comprehensive starting point for your API journey. You’ll find quick links to popular resources and the latest updates right at your fingertips (more to come soon!).

  3. New tutorials: We’re excited to introduce two brand-new tutorials along with step-by-step instructions, code samples, and interactive demos:

We value your feedback, so feel free to take some time to explore the new features and let us know what you think. Your insights will help us continue improving the documentation to better support your workflow needs.

Thank you for being part of our community – happy coding!



Thank you so much for the updates and the example. I was just looking for the Google App script example for auto Status reports.