As we promised earlier this month, our team has been making some major updates to our developer documentation. Today, we are excited to share that our new docs have launched!
Schema information listed directly on the object reference itself (e.g. Users)
An updated Search experience
A or for feedback on each page
As a side note, our OpenAPI Specifications have also been moved to the new openapi repository.
As we continue to improve the developer experience, we’d love to hear your feedback! Feel free to leave us a note using this form.
Thank you all for building with Asana!
Andrew Wong, Developer Advocate
P.S. If you don’t see the changes yet when visiting the documentation site, they may still be propagating with today’s DNS rollout. Please check back shortly!
@Bastien_Siebman the beta link will redirect with to the main site. However, we saw that it was erroring out, so we’re working on a fix. For now, please user the Build an app with Asana site. Thanks!
When I look at the sample requests on the API Reference page, I noticed the Python examples no longer use the Python client library, but instead just uses the requests library. Is this intentional? Is the preference to stop using the Python client library?
This was not intentional we are not planning on deprecating our client libraries and we are not recommending using the requests library (or the equivalent for the other languages).
We are still working on migrating our client library examples into our new developer docs. You can find the same examples that were in our old developer docs in the samples directory of the root of each of the client libraries. For example, you can find the python client library samples here: → these were the examples we pulled into our old developer docs.
Is the legacy API explorer still available? The “Click here to authorize API explorer” is not working for me anymore even after clearing my cache. Thanks!
Hi @Clare_Specht, we are aware of this issue and working to fix it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please note that you can try out endpoints directly from the documentation site (as you may have noticed). We intend to keep the legacy API explorer around for the time being.
Hi @kvnz, just wanted to let you know that we finished migrating our client libraries sample code to our new developer docs so you should be able to use our developer docs as a reference now.
Just a brief update today: the legacy version of the API explorer had recently been fixed! You may access the tool via the blue “callout” at the top of this page: API explorer