Does anyone have ideas how to update or replace an attachment in a task while keeping the Feedback intact? The PDFs in question are blueprints housed in Google Drive / Adobe Cloud. We’re using Feedback for RFIs with architects/engineers/designers (e.g. “hey @designer what was the grout color for this bathroom?”), so the feedback stays with PDF for the life of the project. Meanwhile field employees redline the PDF blueprints for As-Builts using Adobe Acrobat markups (sophisticated I know ). Unfortunately, uploading the PDF as an attachment to the task doesn’t update with redlines, and linking to PDF in Google Drive / Adobe Cloud sends us outside of Asana where Feedback isn’t available (I was really hoping the Adobe+Asana Integration would work for Acrobat).
I’m open to alternative methods altogether as well from the creatives on here . I’m afraid if this doesn’t work we’ll have to drop Business and go back to RFIs outside of Feedback…which isn’t terrible because the field employees can’t see the Feedback Stickers on the PDF in the Asana App anyways…but I was so excited about Feedback! Thank you!