Asana is amazing at capturing comment drafts even after browser close and reboots. However, sometimes you can forget you never clicked the “Comment” button.
It would be awesome if “comment drafts” showed in the Inbox activity feed as a reminder.
Asana is amazing at capturing comment drafts even after browser close and reboots. However, sometimes you can forget you never clicked the “Comment” button.
It would be awesome if “comment drafts” showed in the Inbox activity feed as a reminder.
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Make tasks with unfinished comments searchable or otherwise tagged
If distracted, it’s easy to leave a comment half-written and not posted so others following the task can see it. It would be great to somehow highlight or search/report on unfinished comments. This would find/tag comments that are not null & saved locally but not posted to asana. Otherwise, in a large task list, they are completely lost unless you remember to reopen the task to finish it.
23 posts were merged into an existing topic: Comments not entered / finished / saved /sent