When trying to create a webhook to detect added/deleted tasks, using the following criteria:
"data": {
"filters": [
"action": "deleted",
"resource_type": "task"
"resource": "<project_gid>",
"target": "target_url"
I get the following error → "message": "filters: [1]: fields: Not an array"
I then tried to add an empty (or populated) fields array
"fields": [
Which results in the next error → "message": "Filtering on
fieldsis only possible on
actionof type
I have a webhook that detects changes to tasks correctly, so what am I doing wrong in this instance?
Hmm, that looks right to me.
Just curious, what happens if you add a “changed” filter to what you have?
Thanks for getting back @Phil_Seeman . The changed filter that I have for a current webhook works fine
"filters": [
"action": "changed",
"fields": [
"resource_type": "task"
I am unsure how to to alter it to capture task deletions.
Also tried the following:
"filters": [
"action": "changed",
"resource_type": "task"
which results in the same error as before → "message":"filters: [0]: fields: Not an array"
@Dennis_Joseph What happens if you do this?
"filters": [
"action": "changed",
"fields": [
"resource_type": "task"
"action": "deleted",
"resource_type": "task"
@Phil_Seeman , gave that a whirl and I got the following message:
{"message":"filters: [1]: fields: Not an array"
Attached image - if that helps
@David_Neal can you perhaps help here?
Hi @David_Neal , any chance you could help on this please?
Hi @Dennis_Joseph ,
I’ve tested locally and found that creating a webhook (POST /webhook
) using a project GID with the following syntax does work.
"data": {
"resource": "{project_gid}",
"target": "{webhook-server-url}",
"filters": [
"resource_type": "task",
"action": "deleted"
Is the resource
you are establishing the webhook on a project GID? Are you able to share more of the code you are using to create the webhook? Feel free to message me privately, if needed.
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Thanks for the help @David_Neal . I think I found the issue based on the JSON body you used. Since I was using the same contract DTO object as the one that was used to change tasks , it was failing with the error since it expected Filters to exist and be populated.
Creating a new contract object without the Filters field helped.
Thanks @Phil_Seeman for looking into the issue and redirecting to help.
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September 11, 2024, 9:38am
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