Typo in first time workload set effort dialog

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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
See screenshot; change “workflow” to “workload”

Steps to reproduce:
Portfolio > Workload Set effort (first time only)

Browser version:
Chrome current

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)?

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It was a toss-up whether you or I would have found it first :slight_smile:

(I noticed it while helping a great nonprofit client today with her Workload usage so we were lingering on the nice, helpful dialog for her as a user new to this. I wanted to boost her confidence about Asana and said I’d report it and knew it would be corrected.)

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Thanks for reporting this, @lpb! I just created a task to our team. I will let you know once it’s fixed! :slight_smile:

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Hi @lpb, our product team has fixed this typo! Thanks again for reporting it!


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