Turn off Roll-Up Custom Fields on Projects

Hi everyone,

Recently there has been a change to custom fields which allows you to roll-up the value of number custom fields on subtasks to the main task. I.e. the value of a custom field on the main task is the sum of its own value and the value of the custom field on all the subtasks.
Searching the forum, it seems that this mostly applies to portfolios, but I’m seeing it happen on a project which isn’t part of a portfolio (and the custom field has been around for a long time, so we didn’t decide to make this change).

This is a problem for us, as we want to have the value on the main task be just its own value, and not include the subtasks, but we can’t find a way to turn off the feature.

There are work-arounds, but they’re not ideal, as we have a lot of tasks and going through and changing everything would be arduous.

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Note: Not a solution but marked as such to elevate a key reply

This is an A/B test running. See here for more info:




Thank you Ipb! That’s great to know!

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I’m having the same issue. Glad to see this is just temporary. Is there an ETA on when the test is going to be complete? This is causing a lot of problems for us as well.

Also, waiting on resolution. I have a numeric priority field that is rolling up.

‘Show Column function’ set to ‘None’ is not turning off the roll up display. Shouldn’t it?

This is important to how I want to view task information in the List view.

I would like the feature if I could turn off the roll up.

Welcome, @Mark_Bohn,

Show column function only applies to the summary values seen in the footer of groupings of tasks, not the task cells above which are the topic here.



Hi Larry,

Are those tests over? We are having the same issue and we don’t want rollup in our fields.


Welcome, @Carmel_Bar_Tuvia,

I’m not sure of the status; we’ll have to wait for the Asana folks to update us.



Hi Asana Community,

I’ve been using the feature where custom fields display rollup values from subtasks in the main task (indicated by the small upwards pointing double arrow icon). This was working perfectly until recently, but now the rollup values have stopped showing altogether.

I haven’t changed any settings, so I’m wondering if this might be related to a recent update or if there’s something else I might be missing. Has anyone else experienced this issue or knows how to fix it?

Thanks for your insights!


We use custom fields to predict hours on tasks. The rollup feature makes this much more labor-intensive for our workflow since the main task owner’s hours are heavily inflated by all of the hours on subtasks they aren’t responsible for.

Very eager to turn this rollup feature off when we have that option.