We’re using Asana for account management to track interactions and requests with our current customers. We’d also like to begin tracking feature requests in a project, but tied back to the customer that requested it. I’d like to easily see features a customer has requested while looking at them, but also which customers have requested a particular feature.
In an ideal world, I’d see it like this:
Feature Requests Project
Task for Feature A
Task for Feature B
Customers Project
Customer A
Requested Feature A
Requested Feature B
Customer B
Requested Feature A
Is there a way that might accomplish this or a different process that might work better?
@mjanofsky This is one that we struggled with for a while in finding the right system that kept everything organized, linked to the right places, and also notified the right team members when new requests or information was made to existing requests.
The system we settled on was much like the one you outlined. We have a feature requests project with a task for each feature and a custom field to capture the number of times we’ve heard a request for that feature.
Then, in the Customers project, we have a task for each customer and capture the feature request in a new subtask like you listed. Once the subtask has been populated with the request and the impact/friction caused, we then create a new comment on the “Task for Feature A” task with hypertext out to the customer’s specific feature request subtask.
We include the PMs as collaborators on the feature request tasks they own, so every time we post a new comment with a new customer’s feedback, they receive a notification with the comment and can click into the hypertext to read more in the customer’s subtask.
I know that’s a little complicated to visualize, and let me know if you need more details or clarification about that or want me to include screenshots.
Each week we create a new task under **MOTM** section. Inside we have the usual items (_Attendees_, _Action Items_, _etc_.) via subtasks. Finally, to have the bigger picture on all action items, we multi-home them to the same **Status Meeting** project. I imagine this can be a different project, but for our purposes, we wanted to see everything in one place.
Oh, actually my example doesn’t address that you wanted the Requested Features be under multiple Customers. What I suggest is for you to have a project for each Customer. The Requested Features can then be tagged under multiple Customer Projects. And for tracking Customers, have another project for the list and add hypertext in the description for the corresponding Customer Project.
@jallensantos That’s a great suggestion. I can attest to the list with hyperlinks to projects being a helpful workaround. Maybe it’s not even a workaround at this point!
@mjanofsky what do you think of these different ideas? Do any of these address what you’re looking for?
Thanks for everyone’s insight in to this! We’re going to stick with using a Feature Request project for features, then using an @ mention to a subtask within the Customer’s task to keep track of them at the customer level as well.