Topicality of official Asana SDKs

Official Asana SDKs are lagging behind API (at least for 10 months now). Is there a chance to have them updated anytime soon?

I’d raised Github tickets abouth this at:

ATTN: @Ross_Grambo.


Hey @Myroslav_Opyr,

Thank you for the reminder! I will update them early next week.

We’re making a change to the tooling around this right now, and once completed, the libraries will update much more frequently.



Thank you for update! I’m waiting with impatience to get this ball rolling :wink:

Please keep us posted.


We’ve added to next week’s sprint. I thought it was a 1 day job and I planned to complete it today, but it appears it’s a multi-day process to get all of the client libraries up to date. Sadly, I don’t have enough bandwidth in the current sprint.

You have full permission to keep pinging me to ensure the ball is rolling. :smiley:



you mentioned “make a change to the tooling”, has this been performed already, or it is still being made?

Thank you,


Hey @Myroslav_Opyr,

The tooling is done, but the client libraries haven’t been converted yet. Our docs are moved over to using the new tooling, but the client libraries are proving to be more of a pain (mainly java).

Building the new tooling and converting our docs were the focus of our current episode (which is wrapping up a couple weeks). Moving the client libraries over to the new tooling will be a focus of next episode.

Although some discovery was done for it during this episode as well, just to get a head start! :slight_smile:


Is the new tooling committed to GitHub at GitHub - Asana/asana-api-meta: Metadata for Asana API for generating client libraries and documenation already? Or it is still in the shadow?

The plan is to deprecate asana-api-meta and use the OpenAPI spec in its place. It’s still in the shadows for now, but it won’t be in the future :slight_smile:

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