Ticket data and time per phase

Is there a way to catch trough the API, how much time some tasks stayed in some column? E.g.
We have a board with columns:

  • Column 1
  • Column 2
  • Column 3

We need to catch task time for each column:
Task was created - until - Task moved to Column 2
Task in Column 2 - until - Task moved to Column 3
Task in Column 3 - until - Task completed

We would like to catch this data trough the API so we are interested do you have API calls for this data?
As I know something like this is not possible to be checked trough Asana. So to export this data, we would create custom app, we just need an info do you have this API calls.

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I think the only method available to get that information, is to read the stories and analyse it.

But, stories are not 100% accurate.
Stories can be deleted, and they do not contains all informations, example, if the same user change a task multiple times during a small duration, not all stories are saved.

Finally, I don’t think it’s a good idea to use the API / stories to get these information, if you need exact data about it.

Thanks Frederic.

Do you maybe have some idea how to get this data?

Actually seeing “time in a section” is available in Asana: