Happy Friday everybody! I hope you all had a nice and productive week!
As most of us are getting ready for the weekend, here is a new TGIF post and an opportunity to share your WFH experience with our Community.
This week, let’s talk about mindfulness and activities or hobbies that help you keep busy & healthy during these unprecedented times! Tell us what (unconventional) activity has helped you to stay mindful. Are you kneading dough folding laundry crocheting or even drawing ?
I personally find making puzzles super helpful I believe it is a great exercise for the mind and a good form of meditation
While I’ve been spending most of my time at home, I have made a point of getting out for walks most days, trying to choose times of day where the streets are relatively empty. I’ve been enjoying taking photos as I witness this very unique period in history.
Here are a few choice shots that I’ve taken in Vancouver over the past few weeks.
For the non Australians this is a magpie, which are renowned for aggressively protecting their young during nesting season (which it isn’t at the moment)
Like many others, staying on the move and getting outdoors has certainly helped regulate sanity. I was coming off a sports injury as COVID-19 struck, so it has actually helped me get back into a workout routine. Keeping the energy levels up has helped with the the second job (in-home daycare ). Here is evidence of me crushing pushups with one hand behind my back…