Tasks appearing in reverse order when grouping by custom fields.

I have a website project template that has all of my tasks in order and grouped in to distinct sections - lets call this the ‘Main List’.

I need to create a separate list ‘View’ that groups the tasks by a custom field. I have no problem creating this new ‘view’ with the custom fields BUT I am facing problems with the individual tasks in this view:

  1. the tasks appear in reverse order from the ‘Main List’ unless I Sort them using ‘created on’ - ‘Ascending’
  2. I’m happy to use the ‘Sort’ feature BUT when I do this, I can no longer create a task and drag it to where I would like it to be since the list is now Sorting based on the ‘Created on’ date.

My goal: Keep my ‘Main List’ as it is, AND be able to have a second View that groups tasks by a custom field + has the tasks appear in order without using the Sort feature (ie. fix the reverse order problem I mentioned)

Side note - I have a hunch that the tasks are appearing in reverse order / upside down because the tasks are being created in chronological order from the template, and for some reason when you create a view using custom fields it auto orders them a different way.

Please share any tips! Thank you!

Welcome, @Jack_Stull,

Can you tell us what type of custom field it is? Single-select? Something else? Show screenshots of the custom field definition and the project with sort/group settings.

For single-select, the group and sort will be by the order you specify the options in the custom field definition:

E.g., Tips, then Tools, etc.



It is a Single-Select Custom Field. Below is a screenshot of the field setup and the custom list view I mentioned. In the second screenshot, the tasks are in the reverse order as needed - which leads me to the issues:

  1. the tasks appear in reverse order from the ‘Main List’ unless I Sort them using ‘created on’ - ‘Ascending’
  2. I’m can use the ‘Sort’ feature BUT when I do this, I can no longer create a task and drag it to where I would like it to be since the list is now Sorting based on the ‘Created on’ date.



You haven’t shown a screenshot of what the Group by dialog looks like.

But if it’s simply grouped by Phase and Ascending, like this:

then please try these troubleshooting steps, then please create a support ticket: see How to contact our Support Team.

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