My Task list is in different view order, one up and one down!

Hello, ‘My Tasks’ show in the opposite (upwards) order to the actual tasks & sub tasks that show downwards. This is very annoying when looking for tasks. Can this be changed?

@Sarahjane_Jackson - Let’s see if we can help with any ideas. :slight_smile:

Could you share a screenshot or more detail about what your “Sort” and “Group By” settings are in your My Tasks view? (see the top right of your My Tasks)


Could you close the task pane on the right and show me your Sort options in the top right of your My Tasks? It looks like this:

@Sarahjane_Jackson - could you click the ->| button at the top right of your screen.

And then, just close your task pane and then screenshot the “Sort” settings at the top right.

This is what I need to see to try and help you – the Sort settings at the top right.:

I agree with Bryan - this seems like a sorting/view issue as you can control how your tasks are presented and in what order.

I have tried all your options and still my task list is in a different order to the sub task list? I want tasks in due date order and in order they are in the sub tasks please? Ta